The sky is tickled sunset perpetual, and there is light behind the clouds.


Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison
As inclination directs


Eight page concertina artists’ book, single-colour lithographic offset print featuring collage and pencil
Printed by Redwood Prints
Edition of 10


The weather, clement, and perfect for mooching, ambling, swanning, indeed, walking As inclination directs. The stroll is first and foremost what this work salutes and as such is full of characters sauntering, dawdling, meandering, rambling, traipsing.

Editions of this artists’ book are in the collections of both the State Libraries of NSW and Victoria.

Editions of this work have been exhibited as part of PAGE.PRINT.POST: 50 years of Artists Books (Post Office Gallery, Federation University Australia, 2014), the 2013 Geelong Acquisitive Print Awards (Geelong Gallery, 2013) and the Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award 2013 (Fremantle Arts Centre, 2013).

Perambulating up and down the pier, inhabitants bound in book form include,
Koala, Phascolarctos cinereus
Range: E. Australia
Habitat: dry forest

Horned frog, Ceratophrys cornuta
Range: N. and central South America
Habitat: litter on forest floor

Corroboree frog, Pseudophryne corroboree
Range: Australia: Victoria, New South Wales
Habitat: mountain forest, grassy marshland

Spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum
Range: S.E. Canada, E. U.S.a to Georgia and E. Texas
Habitat: hardwood forest, hillsides near pools

Wrestling halfbeak, Dermogenys pusillus
Range: Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Sundra Islands
Habitat: fresh water

Least weasel, Mustela nivalis
Range: Europe, N. Africa, Asia, N, America; introduced in New Zealand
Habitat: farmland, woodland

Andean cock-of-the-rock, Rupicola peruviana
Range: Andes, N. Venezuela to N. Bolivia
Habitat: forest along river gorges

(The large bird you can see perched upon the woman’s shoulder on the back cover is a male Cuckoo-roller, Leptosomus discolor. Each of the ten editions sport different birds from different countries.)


Previewed as part of Nice Work

For Milly Sleeping’s Nice Work online and instagram project
In conjunction with the Craft Cubed festival, 2013
August 2013

Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison
Sunday, 25th August 2013

Whilst our timetable is rather organic in that what needs doing first determines flow, there are still patterns to be found upon closer inspection. Sunday is often a day for tasks that need completion. Sunday is for the tying of rogue loose ends and preparation for the week that lies in wait. Here, in our home-based studio, an edition of our artists’ book, As inclination directs, that earlier in the week has been hand-coloured with pencil, scored and folded, is ready for its collaged menagerie. In wait, you can see a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) to be cut out and a Spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) too. This is the fifth edition of ten, and it is bound for the 2013 Geelong Acquisitive Print Awards to sit in a display case alongside the first of the edition so that you can see both the work’s cover and guts at the one time. Behind this scene, pets lie sleeping, and on the stove in the kitchen, homemade vegetable soup bubbles. This is Sunday and it is quietly glorious.



The Craft Companion

As inclination directs (2013), features in The Craft Companion by Ramona Barry and Rebecca Jobson, published by Thames & Hudson.

November 2015

Gracia Haby and Louise Jennison create jewel-like collages that read like inverted historical society presentations. They are also keen zine and artist book makers who fill the pages of their brilliantly executed output with imagined worlds, were leopards rule kingdoms, birds wrestle with moral dilemmas and foxes have tea parties.

Ramona Barry and Rebecca Jobson




Included in Pagination are editions of our works Salvaged Relatives (boxed edition, 2015), As inclination directs (2013), and Those Two Daring Pirates (2004).

The Book as Object
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan campus

Wednesday 30th of March – Saturday 30th of April 2016

The work of local, national and international makers concerned with the book as a creative medium have been invited to exhibit in Pagination, an exhibition that investigates the medium and meaning of the book, and more broadly of book arts as a contemporary mode of expression.

Works represented in the exhibition range from sculptural book objects, altered books, and editioned letterpress works — to designed books, comics, digitally printed works, student zines and print on demand publications.

Despite the many different precedents, genres, themes, structures and production methods present in the work, these artists share common concerns for the page and participation. The participatory and physical act of paging through a book is a familiar one. Whether the content is visual, textual or hybrid, these works invite a process of moving though the work that generates patterns of recognition, sequence, juxtaposition, repetition and engagement. This haptic and material interplay continues as a relevant and important characteristic of the book — as object and as an idea.

Pagination presents these properties as traits of a unique medium, and celebrates the book as a significant site of human interaction and subjectivity, where artists, authors, designers, makers, readers and audiences can engage with the visual language of the page.


