1/ Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison
Underneath Soane’s ‘star-fish’ ceiling, the library at No. 12 proved anything but quiet


Collage created for the cover of the Creating and Collecting: Artists’ Books in Australia issue of the State Library of Victoria’s La Trobe Journal
No. 95, March 2015


A collage created especially for the Creating and Collecting: Artists’ Books in Australia issue of the State Library Victoria’s La Trobe Journal, guest edited by Des Cowley, Robert Heather, and Anna Welch.

Underneath Soane’s ‘star-fish’ ceiling, the library at No. 12 proved anything but quiet was later printed as an edition of 10 for the exhibition, Birds: Flight paths in Australian Art, at Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery. It was exhibited alongside our artists’ book, Prattle, scoop, trembling: a flutter of Australian birds, and the likes of John Lewin, from the 2nd of December, 2016 through to the 12th of February, 2017.


This special issue of the La Trobe Journal focuses on the development of artists’ books as an art practice in Australia. The digital revolution has led many to question the future of the book, yet more artists are involved with making books than ever before. Artists, printmakers, letterpress printers and binders are creating and designing books that draw upon and extend the traditional format.

La Trobe Journal

While there is no agreed definition of what an artist book is, it is generally defined as a book made by an artist and intended as a work of art. Within this broad definition, artists have embraced a variety of practices, from traditional print techniques — woodcut, etching and lithography — through to offset, photocopy or digital production. An artist book, whether unique or multiple, may assume the form of a codex, an altered book, a sculpture, or something else entirely. This diversity of form — which often poses the question ‘what is a book?’ — has made the field an exciting one for artists and researchers alike.
— 'Creating and Collecting: Artists’ Books in Australia’, excerpt

2/ Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison
A composition based on the stories collected from old seafarers (I)
, (II), and (III)

Three collages created for MIEL books special edition of their journal 1110/5
Published by MIEL books, 2013


Spring 2013
23 postcards featuring writing by Jon McGregor, Roxane Gay, Juliana Spahr, Nick Flynn, Matt Bell, Amber Sparks, Neele Dellschaft, Matthew Welton, Shana Youngdahl, James Cihlar, Mensah Demany, Laressa Dickey, T.J. Jarrett, Ali Gharavi, Polly Atkin, Metta Sáma, Arlene Kim, Steve Himmer, Rachel Moritz, Hannah VanderHart, Carol Rowntree Jones & Valerie Wetlaufer

With images by Kathryn Clark, Gracia Haby & Louise Jennison, Ilse Weisfelt, Ben Terrett, Shari Altman, Ivan deBoom, Elsa Mora, Marion de Man, Wil Freeborn, Heather Smith Jones, Mónica Naranjo Uribe, Yuko Matsui, Amy Friend, Lisa Congdon, Leo & Pipo, Lisa Solomon, Brian Aldrich, Cathy Cullis, Marie-Klara González, Camilla Engman, Helena de la Guardia, Thomas Sayers Ellis & Éireann Lorsung


111O is our literary magazine, published twice a year (fall and spring). Each issue usually contains one photograph or print, one piece of prose, and ten poems in a slim volume with a die-cut cover.

This time, though, we decided to do something different. We asked 23 artists and photographers to lend us a piece of their work, and invited 23 writers to respond to those images. Each image, paired with its text, will be printed on a heavy postcard. (There's space on the back for an address and a stamp—so yes, you can even send them.)

We’re calling this issue 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Or 111O/5, for short.

MIEL books


3/ Louise Jennison
Drawing created especially for Objects of Affection

Spoonful: A Happiness Companion
Sweetness, Issue 09


A drawing created as part of Spoonful’s Sweetness-themed issue, featuring a Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot (Coriculus galgulus) and a Giant hummingbird (Patagonia gigas) perhaps preparing to sample the sugary confection before them. Perhaps they already have as the Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot has already turned a most unnatural shade of rose.

Sarah Andreacchio, Annick Gaudrealult, Marie Gardeski, Stephanie Ginger, Rebecca Gould, Sharon Hinchcliffe, Jenika Rivera, Heliana Rotariu, Sandra Monat, and Marika Paz were also invited to create multi-tiered cakes for the spread, Objects of Affection, as part the Sweetness issue of the publication by Anthea Ben-Naim, with guest-designer Ellie Nuss.


